
100% Made in Italy fertilizers

The Italian Fertilizer Loved Worldwide


At Alba Milagro, the focus on quality permeates every day-to-day aspect of the business and involves every member of the company.

Download ISO 9001-2015

Download Quality Policy


Sourcing of raw materials is an active part of the Alba Milagro quality process. Raw materials are selected so as to obtain the highest levels of purity and efficacy.


Production processes are certified by the recently published ISO 9001:2015 standard, and the production facility has been upgraded to achieve high performance and efficiency.


Sales and technical experts are constantly trained to support our customers’ choices and help farmers apply the products in the most efficient way.


Customer service and after-sales support follow every shipment closely by means of an accurate batch traceability system, and ensure the timing and quality of the products delivered.

Furthermore, Alba Milagro cooperates with local producer associations, as in the case of the Italian Assofertilizanti, which certifies product quality in line with the Assofertilizzanti 2015 guidelines.