
Fertilizantes sostenibles

Protegemos el medio ambiente

Agricultura orgánica

Consumer awareness and the need for safe, high quality foods have a strong impact on today’s farming. Farmers seek to produce food for the world population both sustainably and profitably, while respecting the quality of natural assets (soil, water, air, biodiversity).

This balance is known as sustainable agriculture, and Alba Milagro has always believed that this can be achieved by using the highest level of expertise and technology available.
Alba Milagro offers customers and farmers a wide range of products that comply with organic farming standards worldwide.

Productos ecológicos de Alba Milagro:


Can be combined to create Organic Farming fertilization plans.


Are efficient and suitable for different farming methods (organic, integrated, conventional).


Are available for foliar, soil or hydroponic applications.

Somos... Ecológicos

Nos preocupamos por el medio ambiente. De hecho, muchos de los productos de Milagro pueden utilizarse en la agricultura ecológica (Reglamento CE 834/2007) y son una base importante para este mercado en rápida evolución. Milagro produce fertilizantes sostenibles que respetan los recursos naturales (agua, suelos y aire) y la biodiversidad, de acuerdo con los más altos estándares tecnológicos.